I'm in a hurry to get things done, I rush and rush until life's no fun. All I really gotta do is live and die, I'm in a hurry and don't know why. Thank you, Alabama for these great lyrics. If you want a hit of the whole song, it's here

When aren't we tripping over the scroll of our endless to-do list? When aren't we overcommitted, overwhelmed and over-occupied? But before we stumble into bed or before we start our day, if we are very, very, very lucky we get to have a shower.

I will assume you are usually blissfully alone in the shower, or if you are on the water-saving plan, perhaps you shower with a friend, no judgment (or jealousy) here!

Anyway...post reading Live in 5 Senses (thank you daughter Kara for that great gift!) by Gretchen Rubin, I've been on a mission to pay more attention to enhancing my senses in everyday experiences.

Most notably changed so far has been my shower experience and without getting uncomfortably personal here are a few of the things I am now doing regularly to enhance the routine shower experience. 

  1. I cut up a sponge, put some drops of essential oil on it, and set it in the corner of the shower. When the water/steam of the shower hits it, a lovely smell is emitted. 
  2. I dim the lights or light some candles. Before only reserved for the sacred bath, why can't we shower by candlelight, even in the morning? It turns the boring into something a little special.
  3. I cue up Spotify and play some mellow tunes (Hollow Cove Radio is my latest fav).
  4. I close my eyes. By blocking out one sense, the other senses seem to perk up and pay extra attention. 
  5. I savor the experience.

We may be cueing ourselves up for a great day or sneaking away from the kids, the honey, the messy kitchen, or just life in general but if we can turn a 7-minute shower into a little mini-retreat, I say why not? #Revitalize

Now...your life, your version, your plan... 

What routine thing that you have to do in your life can you turn into something a little special by enhancing your senses, focusing on quality and/or deliberately carving out space for you to be you? 

Meanwhile, enjoy the power of the shower,  Steph : ) 


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Stephanie  Staples

Stephanie Staples

Your Revitalization Specialist

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