There is a space in time that no one talks about much. 

It can be very short or it can seem entirely too long. It can cause a plethora of emotions. It can be incredibly uncomfortable for many people and a source of excitement for others. It can be physical, emotional, or metaphorical.

It is called the liminal space. The word "liminal" comes from the Latin word “limen,” which means threshold.

It has been described in many ways, for example:

 - the uncertain transition between where you've been and where you're going

-  being on the precipice of something new but not quite there yet, I am no longer... but I am not yet...

-  moving through/transforming ourselves to become someone new.

But more on these in a future post. 

For today's purpose I'd like to talk about a specific time of liminal space - one I call 'potentiability'!

Potentiability - a glimpse of the potential to develop the ability to do something you were not able to do previously.” 

Personally, I love that space in time in between where you don’t know how to do something and you do know how to do something (however imperfectly).

My mind typically goes through a dialogue like this...

No way, I can't/would never do that.

Hmmm, as I lean in. Could I learn to do that?  

Wow, I am learning to do some, good enough version of that!  

It's like a light bulb goes on and you realize that there is a possibility you have the potential to develop the ability. Maybe it's not the proficiency,  but it's the 'good-enoughness', to call it a win.  

Abraham Maslow said... “The greatest satisfaction comes from mastering something that is truly difficult."

And Stephanie Staples says... “There is great satisfaction in trying something that is truly difficult for you.

I've seen this play out in my life in sports, art, music.

I've seen this bring happiness in the kitchen, in the pool, in the community. 

I've seen this bring joy and laughter to myself and to many others. 

Three keys to getting potentiability to work in your life are:

1) not taking yourself too seriously.

2) being happy with good enough results (ie letting go of perfectionism).

3) not caring so much about what other people think.

Look for that little space where you get a glimpse that you are actually going to get it, or figure it out, even though you haven’t yet. 

For example:

I couldn't juggle, but now I can - not well, but I can do it. ‍

I wasn't a triathlete, but now I am - even if I come in last.‍‍‍

I couldn't speak Spanish, but now I do - even if Latinos laugh and ask me to repeat my sentences in English. ‍

You get the idea.

Now...your life, your version, your plan...

What are you/have you been curious about?

What do you want to do/learn/be?

What resources do you need to help you reach the potentiability stage?

What will you commit to?


I'd love to hear your thoughts about how potentiability has shown up in your life, what you have tried and/or would like to try!

Seeking potentiability, it's one more way to live Your Life, Unlimited!  Steph : ) 

PS - In case you missed last week's note, 'Who needs another list?' you can find it here...

Stephanie  Staples

Stephanie Staples

Your Revitalization Specialist

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